Prayer & Care
Private Prayer and Welcome
The church is a sanctuary from the bustle of city life – quiet, suffused with peace and tranquillity.
Pray – light a candle – contemplate – sit – be still.
The church is open daily (Monday – Friday) for private prayer, and you are welcome to join in the daily office at noon. We welcome parishioners and visitors.
See Home page for details of current opening hours.
A member of the ministry team may be present to accompany you in your prayers.
Requests for Prayer
Requests for prayer may be left in the church, or sent by email to be included in our weekly prayers.
Prayer will be offered every day for a fortnight, and longer if asked. Click here to make a prayer request.
This Week at St Clement's
The weekly bulletin of the parish with some thoughts on the readings appointed for the Sunday of that week. Notices of forthcoming events: lectures, recitals, concerts, plays, services. You can sign up to receive the newsletter here.
Dearly Beloved
Dearly Beloved is a daily letter to the wider community of St Clement’s Church.
The email has guidance for Bible readings, informed prayers for peace and for the planet, a letter offering comfort and encouragement, and perhaps amusement, accompanied by a photograph.
Anyone may join the Dearly Beloved community to receive the email; anyone may offer suggestions for and/or submit prayers, letters and photographs.